Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Why Use an SCTC Consultant

The Society of Communications Technology Consultants (SCTC) has established a set of operating procedures which enhance the professionalism and credibility of its members. SCTC is dedicated to improving the competence of its members so that they may serve clients with reliability, integrity and the highest level of professionalism.

The Society was founded in 1976, and is governed by a Board of Directors elected annually by the members. Its headquarters are in Fall River Mills, California.

SCTC Code of Ethics

Members of the SCTC are required to be independent and are restricted under the SCTC Code Of Ethics from selling any product or service other than independent services. Every consultant member must sign annually renewing and reinforcing their independence and ethics by signing the Code of Ethics as follows:

  • Every member has the professional responsibility of fair dealing towards the member’s clients, past and present, fellow members, and the general public.
  • Every member has the professional responsibility of adhering to generally accepted standards of accuracy, truth and good taste at all times.
  • No member shall represent conflicting or competing interests, nor shall be placed in a position where the member’s interest is, or may be in conflict with duty to the client.
  • Each member shall safeguard the confidences of both present and former clients, and shall not accept retainers which may involve the disclosure or use of these confidences to the disadvantage or prejudice of such clients.
  • No member shall intentionally disseminate false or misleading information, and each member is obligated to use as much care as is humanly possible to avoid dissemination of false or misleading information.
  • No member shall intentionally injure the professional reputation or practice of another member. However, if a member has evidence that another member has been guilty of unethical, illegal or unfair practices, including practices in viola­tion of this Code, the member is obligated to present the information to the proper authorities of the Society for action in accordance with the procedure set forth in the bylaws.
  • No member shall accept fees, commissions, or any other valuable consideration in connection with those services from anyone other than the member’s client.
  • Each member shall, prior to the commencement of the services to be performed, make the client fully aware of the fee structure, and all associated costs.
  • It is imperative that no member should be in conflict by retaining an ownership or partnership interest in, or be an employee of, any company selling or leasing telecommunications products or transmission services.
  • A member shall, as soon as possible, sever the relationship with any organiza­tion when the member knows or should know that continuing the relationship would require the member to conduct himself contrary to the good conduct principles of this Code.
Please feel free to ask Telcom for a copy of their signed Ethics statement.